Just a little rain…

My friend and I have been on a fitness journey together for almost three years now.

With him living in Philadelphia, we very rarely get the chance to work out together. He visited last weekend and we made a plan to get up Saturday morning and head to the trail. It was so cold and so rainy but I wasn’t going to let this rare opportunity pass me by. On the way there we talked about how we would be the only people on the trail.

We were so wrong. Before we could even walk from the car to the trail opening, two more cars pulled in. These people had goals and they were going to stick to them even when things got tough. It was such a good reminder to stick to objectives and strategies and goals, even when the circumstances are challenging. When they got home, and dried off, I’m sure they were very happy that they had done that. I hope this sends a little motivation your way to do the same.

Motivation tip: when you see something that truly motivates you, latch onto it! Put it somewhere visible or start a folder or a box with these things. When those doubts or imposter syndrome creep in, pull out your motivation materials to give you a pick me up.


Won’t you be my neighbor?


The Class Clown