The Class Clown

Do you remember those funny and very authentic Dollar Shave Club commercials? If not, head over to YouTube and check it out. It turns out that the guy in the commercial, Michael Dubin, was truly the CEO and creator of Dollar Shave Club. It also turns out that he was always the class clown, has ADHD, and was labeled someone who would never amount to much. I recently discovered this while working on a new class (Marketing and Growth Crash Course) and became intrigued by the Dollar Shave Club story, which serves as an example of how branding and creating your voice is critical.

It probably also intrigues me because I too was the class clown. (Pause for those reading this who know me well to yell, “SHOCKER!”) My love of talking and connecting with people paired with my constant creativity and energy made things hard for me in a school setting. It’s been an odd experience to have the things that impaired me in an educational setting be the same things that have made me excel in my career. This is just a small reminder to not judge too quickly and that differences are strengths.

Oh and that other class clown, Michael Dubin, went from a guy helping someone get rid of 250,000 razors in 2010 to a billionaire in 2016.

Steph’s Favorite Dollar Shave Club Commercial Quote: “Looking good Pop Pop!”


Just a little rain…


Flaunt it if you got it…